other previous winners

Mesa firefighter Mark Freeman, right, holds his United Fire state Firefighter of the Year award as Shane Hessell who was saved by Freeman, attends the ceremony with his wife, Janet.

Mark Freeman combined professional readiness and determined spirit to save a life. He displayed endurance--both physical and mental--most cannot imagine.

Freeman was teaching at a Boy Scout camp twenty miles outside Payson Arizona. He happened upon two men carrying an unconscious male. The victim had suffered an allergic reaction and was in anaphylactic shock and respiratory arrest. Certainly, a life was in the balance.

Instinctively, Freeman went into action. He sent the victims friends to activate the emergency medical service in the area. This great firefighter performed mouth-to-mouth on the victim for forty-five minutes--awaiting paramedics. Once help arrived the man was rushed to the hospital. He survived without any permanent disabilities.

To understand the full measure of this noble deed, consider this-- the victim--a man in his twenties was a husband and a father. Our Firefighter of the Year--Mark Freeman--gave this man a second chance in life with his family and friends.

1994 Judges:
Gary Ells - Tempe Fire Department
John Heil- Motorola Inc.
Scott Jaeger- Prescott Fire Department
George Leech- BIA Forestry
Susan Sherwin- Maricopa County Attorney's Office

1994 WINNER:
Mark Freeman

Mesa Fire